ShoRt WelComE

Assalamualaikum and Hell~o 2 evEryoNE.. Finally, aFtEr break I manage to create NeW sCenerY 4 my blog..Cool HuH... I JusT wanna All of Ya guYs hAve Fun and I will sHAre FuN and InterEstinG InformatiON, So...... If Ya GuYS Wanna KnoW soMeTHiN ThaT Awesome Fact oR aNyThing JusT sTick Around....LETZ ROLLL IT!!!!!!!

Play with my Cute Kitty

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Culture : V.K a.K.a Visual Kei

HuLLo Guys!!! How bout I tEll Ya aLL somethin` CooL iN JapaN wHich known aS Visual Kei... WHuT On EartH Visual Kei aRe? So, Lets FiND oUt!!!!! OoRiYaaaaa!!!!!!!

Visual Kei or VK is refers to a movement among Japanese Musicianz..( Here in MalaYsiA KnowN as Ghot!cS) that is characterized by the use of eccentric, sometimes flamboyant looks. This usually involves striking make_uP, Unusual Hair styles and elaborate Costumes, OfTeN buT noT aLways, couples w!th AndrogyNouS AestheticS..Some sources state that Visual Kei refers to a music genre, or to a sub-genre of J-RoCKz with its own particular sound, related to Glam_RocK, PuNK and MetaL.However most insider sources state that Visual Kei's unique clothing and make-up FasHioNs,and participation in the related SuB_CulturE,is equally as important as the sound of the music itself in the use of the term as while similarities can be drawn between some bands; most are from widely different genres including but not limited to Pop, heavy metal, power metal, classical, rap and electronic..Visual Kei emerged in the late 1980s, pioneered by the band X-JapaN. Talk To Much Don`t makE any DiFFerencE if Ya aLL StiLL DoN`t UnderStaNd.... HerE I shOw Ya`


Unknown said...

bro sorry to say...Japanese never declared VK as Gothic... when they outside or inside the country.. VK just stand as they were, nothing to do with Lolita's, Gothic, Cosplay or any else. because X-Japan said that.
X-Japan is the pioneer of this Visual kei.

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